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Susana has worked for the last 10 years as a Lead Counsellor for Renew Counselling, a Charity based in Basildon, Essex as a Lead school counsellor in 5 primary schools and 1 secondary school.  She has also worked as an Independent school counsellor for 2 primary schools and 1 secondary school in Enfield North London, with an average of 15 clients a week, with a total of around 220 children and adolescent clients presenting issues such as: anger, negative behaviour, risky behaviour, depression, grief, adoption, social services, low self esteem, loss, abused, identity issue, anxiety, panic attacks, autism, low self image, etc.  Susana also has a successful private practice based in North London, where she works with Adults, teenagers, couples and/or families. In the past 3 years she has also worked directly with the Adoption Support Service in Enfield providing Art and Play therapy based counselling to adopted or children in special guardianship situations. 


Susana Por los últimos 10 años, ha trabajado para Renew Counselling, Charity que emplea a Psicólogos escolares en Basildon, Essex como Psicóloga escolar en 5 escuelas publicas primarias y una secundaria. También como Psicóloga escolar independiente para 2 escuelas primarias y una secundaria al norte de Londres, con un promedio de 15 clientes semanales, sumando un total aproximado de terapia a mas de 220 niños (a) y adolescentes con problemas como ira, comportamiento negativo, depression, duelo, adopción, Servicios Sociales, baja autoestima, dolor, abuso, identidad, ansiedad, pánico, desarrollo social, Autismo, imagen, etc. Susana tiene una practica profesional privada en donde atiende a adultos, adolescentes, parejas y/o familias.  En los últimos 3 años ha trabajado directamente para el gobierno de Enfield dando terapia de arte y juego para niños adoptados o en situaciones especiales de adoption. 


Susana is an accredited member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychoterapy) and UKRCP Registered Independent Counsellor/Psychotherapist and CRB checked.  


Susana Es miembro acreditado del BACP (Asociación Británica de Psicoterapeutas y terapeutas) y Miembro Independiente del Registro de Psicoterapeutas y Terapeutas del Reino Unido (UKRCP). CRB chequeo de la policía para trabajar con niños.


Therapy helps clients by allowing them:

To express and make sense of their thoughts and feelings, so that they are able to cope better with problems and develop greater self-awareness and self-confidence, and develop better relationships with those around them, find new ways of managing difficult feelings and situations.  Early intervention and early support stops children troubles growing with them.



Susana has also worked extensibly with adult clients and couples for the last 10 years, specialising in Anger management, Acceptance and Commitment therapy for Anxious clients, bereavement, abandonment, attachment and commitment issues, stress, low self esteem, poor self image, poor self regulation, depression, relationship issues, etc. 



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